11 Cool Free Things I Did in 2022

I Can’t Believe I Did These Things For Free

Shirley Lee
13 min readJan 2, 2023

What a wild year was 2022.

One big thing I learnt was that money can buy you a lot of happiness. But we are not here to talk about that. We are here to talk about cool things I managed to do for free this year.

Somehow this involved me being stalked by a complete stranger.

Let’s go:

1) Read free eBooks via the public library with the Libby app

I am not paid to say this — Libby is a game-changing eBook app.

Your public library may have bought access to online book databases, and technically you can read them if you have a public library card. One of the common databases they buy is OverDrive. However, OverDrive’s outlook sucks — the text in all books were never aligned correctly; all illustrations were always missing half a chunk; and there were few to none options to change how the words and pages looked.

Then they made Libby.

From here

Libby is the best reading app I have ever used. I can’t believe it’s free. And that I am using it to read free books. It’s better and smoother than the iPad’s Books app. You can highlight words, make book lists, access audio books etc, all for free.

