It’s Been A While Since My Last Newsletter

Shirley Lee
2 min readMar 31, 2024

Hey gang,

The last newsletter was sent at the beginning of JAN 2024, and now it’s already near the end of MAR 2024.

The original plan was to send out the latest blog post link here whenever I published a new blog post. If you have been following my blog post closely you’d have noticed that things didn’t quite go according to plan lol.


🟡Shirley’s Quick Inbox

BMAC followers may already know that I have set up a Google Form as an inbox thingy for you to send me short messages, and for me to know where all of you are from. Here’s the link:

I have received six responses since I posted the link, and reading the responses has been a magical experience (both thumbs up). Some findings:

  • Some of my readers are experienced, professional writers with their own websites (Hi Tim I’ve been reading your HKFP column before you sent your website URL to me 😂. And Hi Cait!)
  • Two of the responses said they found my blog post via Big Lychee. A powerful force.
  • Didn’t expect anyone to like the less viral-y, more “community sharing”-vibe blog posts. Glad that there’s someone who likes them :)

