My Evil Menstrual Cup World Domination Plan

You must use one now. All hail.

Shirley Lee
8 min readMar 29, 2022
Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash. I added the words

You know that feeling when:

  • you try something new
  • it turns out to be the best thing ever
  • so you keep trying to tell everyone around about it, out of sheer joy
  • but all you get in return is people’s skeptical looks, wondering why you’d start a sales pitch in the middle of the day…?

Well I started using a menstrual cup in 2020. And it’s the best thing ever.

If you tuck in the cup correctly, it feels like there is nothing there at all.

I want everyone to use one instead of throwing away mountains of pads and tampons.

But I also don’t want to be a jerk. You know, the ones who seem like they were forced to sign a secret contract to never shut up about the menstrual cup.

So obviously the only choice left is to start an evil brainwashing campaign to plant the idea of using menstrual cups in everyone’s brain and take over the world.

But why can’t you just… tell people about it?

I have tried.

I wasn’t even talking about it unprompted. I was out with my friends in a shop; one of them saw some…

