Unofficial Medium Clap Translator

Shirley Lee
4 min readApr 1, 2018
Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash

Maybe I am too late jumping on the bandwagon of “personal clapping policy” posts. But after getting another notification from my Unofficial Medium Unclap Guide today, and learning that the Despacito guy is still releasing yet another remix of the song a year after releasing the original (it’s a Mandarin version, for god’s sake), I thought to myself, fuck it, I might as well own the “Unofficial Medium Clap” thing. No one can stop me from writing another Unofficial Medium Guide thing. Here goes:

Unofficial (Shirley’s) Number of Claps Translation

Coupled with some recent examples. Some are Chinese Medium article links (shoutout to the traditional Chinese side of Medium):

50 Claps 👏 = any or more than one of the following:

  • Holy shit. This is important and serious. People need to know this.

Example: This, this, and this.

  • Holy shit. I have learnt something new. Thanks, for real.

Example: This, this, this, and this.

  • Holy shit, this is some great writing. Definition of great writing: Either a) I, as a reader, am completely submerged in the described scenarios in your post, b) I get a comprehensive ab workout while laughing through your post, or c) I…

